Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Find Your Purpose

God has given everybody great purpose with their life. He put you on this earth for a special reason. Every day when you wake up we're given another reason to see that purpose. Sometimes, though, things get rough. Life gets hectic, people hurt us, bad things happen. Maybe you feel hopeless. My friend, I'm here to tell you today that you are still breathing because God is pushing your towards something. When's the last time you sat down and prayed about it or just sat and talked to God for awhile? In these times, if we listen, he is guiding us towards our purpose.

I have purpose as a wife and a mother. But, I felt like God was pulling on me for something else. I've always had a love for helping others and making them feel good about themselves. So, when an opportunity came up to do that, I prayed about it, thought about it, talked it over with my husband. It just made sense. I needed something outside of "mom" to fulfill something in my heart. When I'm helping others see their value or feel good about themselves, it makes me happy. It makes me happy to see other people happy.

If you're not sure which direction you should go or if you feel stuck, I encourage you to really sit down and pray about it. Go out and do something you love doing but you always put off or go to a peaceful place where you can do some soul searching. Spend time with your family and talk over things that you would like to pursue and get their opinions. Finding a purpose for your life is such an amazing feeling, it just may take a little work to figure out what it is.

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