Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Find Your Purpose

God has given everybody great purpose with their life. He put you on this earth for a special reason. Every day when you wake up we're given another reason to see that purpose. Sometimes, though, things get rough. Life gets hectic, people hurt us, bad things happen. Maybe you feel hopeless. My friend, I'm here to tell you today that you are still breathing because God is pushing your towards something. When's the last time you sat down and prayed about it or just sat and talked to God for awhile? In these times, if we listen, he is guiding us towards our purpose.

I have purpose as a wife and a mother. But, I felt like God was pulling on me for something else. I've always had a love for helping others and making them feel good about themselves. So, when an opportunity came up to do that, I prayed about it, thought about it, talked it over with my husband. It just made sense. I needed something outside of "mom" to fulfill something in my heart. When I'm helping others see their value or feel good about themselves, it makes me happy. It makes me happy to see other people happy.

If you're not sure which direction you should go or if you feel stuck, I encourage you to really sit down and pray about it. Go out and do something you love doing but you always put off or go to a peaceful place where you can do some soul searching. Spend time with your family and talk over things that you would like to pursue and get their opinions. Finding a purpose for your life is such an amazing feeling, it just may take a little work to figure out what it is.

Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Lose the Baby Weight

I think this is a question most new moms have. It can be hard to know where to start. I've made a short video to tell you my 3 top tips to reach your goals! Check out the video below and let me know if you have any questions. I love feedback!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How To Stay Motivated

I had a friend ask me how I stay motivated to work out. I hadn't really thought about it lately, it's just kind of turned into a habit for me. But, I've set it up that way. I just don't even think about it anymore, I JUST DO IT. It's important to me.

I think the most important thing is finding workouts I enjoy. I'm huge fan of Chalene Johnson and her workouts. TurboFire is my favorite workout, like, ever! Kickboxing mixed with dancing and it's a huge calorie burner!

Be realistic with your goals and celebrate your success. Know that you won't lose 50 pounds in one month. But, celebrate when you do lose weight. It takes a lot of work! And you should be proud.

And lastly, make time to workout. Make it important to you! I feel so much better when I get my workout in and it helps my whole day go better. I've found a great time for me to workout is when my youngest child takes his first nap. It's the first thing I do when I lay him down. Sometimes he gets up before I'm done, but you know what? 20 minutes is better than nothing, it's still putting you one step closer to your goals!

Friday, July 24, 2015

ChaLean Extreme 4 Week Results

I just finished up my first 4 weeks! Eeek, I'm so excited with how things are going. Watch below to see how I did!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

You're Right

Whether you think you can or can't, you're right! Dreaming big and wanting better for yourself is awesome! But, if you are already telling yourself that it won't happen, you're right, it won't. You have to change your mindset, be positive about it, tell others about it, write it down and DO NOT give up. If you can start something new with a positive attitude and be willing to take the steps to make your dreams come true, you're already halfway there.

In a book I'm reading about setting goals, I found a really great exercise and I challenge you to join me in this and take the first step in achieving your dreams. I think once you break down your goals, they won't be so scary!

Write down some goals that you have right now. For example- spending more time with my family, saving for vacation, getting healthy, having a successful business, lose weight.

Now, from those goals, choose just 3 that are the most important and put those goals in order, number one being the most important.
     1. Spending time with family
     2. Lose weight
     3. Saving for vacation

Now, write down the steps you need to do EVERY day to make that goal a reality. This will be your action plan. 
     1. Spending time with family- I will not use my phone between 6-8 pm. 
     2. Lose weight- I will exercise for 30 minutes 5 times per week, I will drink water instead of sugar filled drinks, I will be conscious of what I put in my body.
     3. Saving for vacation- I will eat out less, I'll pass up my daily Starbucks, I'll put $20 into savings every week.

You can elaborate more, that's just a general idea how you can put this to work for you. Put your action plan where you will see it every day! Every day you will have a reminder as to what you're working towards.

Let me know when you get your action plan done!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Setting Your Goals

A lot of people fail to set attainable goals when they have decided to make a lifestyle change. If you have 50 pounds to lose and that's your only goal, you're likely to fail because it will take quite a bit of time to reach that goal. If you set smaller goals that will help you reach you're ultimate goal, you will see progress and have pride in your accomplishments.

Start off by setting SMART goals.

S- Specific goals.
M- Measurable goals.
A- Attainable goals.
R- Relevant goals.
T- Time specific goals.

Specific Goals
It's important to set specific goals that will lead you to your ultimate goal. I'll use the example of losing 50 pounds for these. To get started you should write out a plan that will help you lose 50 pounds; watching what you eat, exercising, drinking more water. So, maybe your first goal would be to start exercising for 30 minutes 4 times per week. You could also break down your goal weight loss into smaller numbers. You could make it a goal to lose 5 pounds your first month.

Measurable Goals
If your end goal is to lose 50 pounds, your smaller goals will help you reach that and being able to measure your success along the way will help keep pushing you. You will need to make sure to track your progress along the way. If you aren't weighing yourself or taking measurements, how will you know how far you've come? In one months time you could be 10% closer to your ultimate goal and that's something to smile about!

Attainable Goals
I've already mentioned that it's impossible to lose 50 pounds in one month. Setting up your smaller goals will help you reach that big goal, but they also have to be realistic. For example, I will lift weights 3 times per week and drink 8 glasses of water every day. I will lose 1 pound every week.

Relevant Goals
Be sure that your goals are relevant. If you are setting too many goals that are unrelated your mind will wander and you will lose focus.

Time Specific Goals
This one makes you work harder towards your goals. If you give yourself a deadline you will push yourself to achieve those goals. For example, I will be halfway to my weight loss goal by Thanksgiving. So, in 4 months you will lose 25 pounds. You could even make those more specific and say, I will lose 6 pounds every month so that I will be halfway to my goal by Thanksgiving. 

Don't forget that life happens. There will be road blocks but, keep pushing forward. Reward yourself every time you make a goal. It could be a haircut, new workout gear, manicure. Whatever will make you feel good about reaching your goals! If you need a plan of action for your goals, get in contact with me. I'm happy to help!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Don't Let Self-Doubt Control You

Today I was talking to a friend and she shared her latest blog post with me (read it here). We talked about it and how far she has came and she looks amazing! It brought up some feelings from the past for me.

Growing up I was overweight and teased about it in school and that still echos in my head today. (Sidenote, I think it's really important that we teach our children to be kind to others.) Anyway, I've been up and down with my weight since high school, I've had three babies via c-section and seem to pack on the pounds just to have to turn around and lose the weight again. I feel like I'm in the right mindset now to keep going on this journey to health but I will always have to fight the urge to over eat and eat junk food.

Which brings me to today's blog post. I still struggle with self confidence and anxiety issues sometimes, like people are looking at me, judging. Or doubting myself, that I will fail or not be "good enough" whatever that means. And sometimes that leads to missed opportunities, making new friends, living LIFE! I talked to my doctor recently and he did suggest some anti-anxiety medicine. I took it for a couple weeks but, honestly, I hate taking medicine. It also made me really groggy, which is not good when you're still waking up with a baby in the middle of the night! I have to fight this on my own and do things to better myself and make me happy.

I have to work on changing this thought process. I've recently started listening to Chalene Johnson's podcasts and she has some episodes about just that. There is one point from her episode about anxiety that really stuck out to me.

Whenever you start feeling a negative thought pop into your head you have to stop it in its tracks. As soon as you start feeling anxious or nervous take a deep breath and remind yourself how awesome you are. Chalene talks about coming up with a mantra to say to yourself. Something like- I am enough, I'm not a failure, I'm a good person, I have a lot to offer people. Try to also remember that those people are probably nervous to talk to you, too!

The last thing is to surround yourself with positive people who lift you up. I get it, everybody has bad days and wants someone to vent to. But, if there's someone in your life who is constantly dragging you down, it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate that relationship.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

2 week review of ChaLean Extreme

I'm a few days late getting this up, but here it is! Also, here's a link to the schedule I talk about at the end. Workout Schedule

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What is Beachbody Coaching?

You've probably heard of a few of our programs- Insanity, P90X, TurboFire, 21 Day Fix. These are just a few of the products that we offer and most likely how you know the Beachbody name. What you may not know is that Beachbody has independent coaches that help others reach their goals, provide encouragement and builds a team of other coaches to do the same. "End the Trend", that's our goal. We want to end the trend of obesity and help people financially.

Coaches have several ways to earn money. First, you get a 25% commission on anything you sell. After that, the amount you earn is truly limitless as there are several more ways to earn. If you have a passion for fitness and helping other people, you can go far if you apply yourself. It's not a get rich quick scheme, you do have to work at it. You are your own boss and have to put in the effort to reap the rewards. But, you're not just thrown to the wolves. You will be provided training and mentorship from my team and from Beachbody.

Do you have to be a fitness professional, nutritionist or even in perfect shape? No way! In fact, it's a great way to hold yourself accountable to reach your goals. Once people see the changes in you, they're going to ask what you're doing. That's where you come in and offer support! Even if you're not quite ready to coach others, as a coach you get a 25% discount on anything you order!

What's the cost? Well, there is a one-time fee of $39.95 and a monthly fee of $15 after the first month (but I can tell you how to get that one-time fee waived). If you or your spouse is Active Duty Military or if you are a Veteren, you can coach for FREE!

This has allowed me to continue to stay home with my children while letting me help others realize their dreams. Making someone feel better about themselves is a true blessing. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, if you're ready to make a real change in your life and in the lives of others, fill out the application below and I'll be in touch!

Monday, July 13, 2015

ChaLean Extreme/TurboFire/Piyo Hybrid Schedule

I love Chalene Johnson! Her attitude is so positive and it really feels like she is your own personal cheerleader. But, the best part is that her workout programs are FUN. I enjoy working out with her, it's not something I dread.

So, based on that, I've put together a 12 week schedule that works for ME. It doesn't include all the workouts from all the programs (that would be crazy!) but it's something that I can work into my life and feel good about it. I have 3 boys so life gets a little crazy, I can't spend 2 hours every day working out, I can, however, devote 30-45 minutes to myself to get in a good workout!

Here's the schedule, if you have any questions about it or the workout programs, just let me know!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What is Beachbody on Demand?

Recently Beachbody came out with On Demand workouts. What exactly does that mean for you? Well, when you sign up you get unlimted access to HUNDREDS of workouts and new ones are added every month so you can keep progressing with your goals. You can stream these workouts anytime and anywhere you have an internet connection. So, if you're going on vacation, travel for work or just want to vary your workouts, just grab your laptop, tablet or even your phone! Boom, you have instant access to your workouts. No need to carry your dvds with you.

This is also a great way to try out different workouts so that you don't get bored and keep your body guessing by switching up your workouts. Some of these workouts are programs that you may have heard of- P90X, 21 Day Fix, TurboFire, Piyo, INSANITY, just to name a few.

Not only do you get access to all these amazing workouts but you also get membership in the Team Beachbody® Club, which includes personalized meal plans, discounts on future purchases, VIP access to live chats with your favorite trainers, and all the support you need to get life-changing results!

So, now you're thinking this must be must be crazy expensive, right? No way! It's only $2.99 per week. I don't know any gym membership you can get for that price PLUS all the extras.

Also, your first 30 days are FREE! Yes, you can try everything out for free for 30 days. Click here to get started then click SHOP then TEAM BEACHBODY CLUB to sign up. What do you have to lose? This is your first step to a healthier lifestyle and I would love to be there for you. If you have any questions, just let me know!

Monday, July 6, 2015

How To Start Your Own Journey

So, you've made a decision to get healthy, congratulations! Now, where do you start? There are so many things that go into getting healthy and it can get overwhelming. I get it, I've been there. I've had three babies and basically have to start over with my fitness after each birth. So, I've compiled a list of things that helped me.

1. Figure out what kind of exercise you ENJOY! You will have a hard time sticking with something that you dread doing everyday. There's so many different things you can do; walking, running, swimming, exercise classes, dancing. Find a couple things you enjoy and alternate through them so you don't get burnt out.

2. Find a fit friend! This has been crucial for me. If you are starting a new way of life a support system is so beneficial! It can be a spouse, friend, someone from church or even me! Figure out who you can rely on for support and go through this together.

3. Realize that you're not perfect! Seriously, nobody is. There will be days when you miss a workout. There will be days when you fall off the wagon with your eating. But, the most important thing is that you dust yourself off, get up and get back to it.

4. Track your progress! Weigh yourself, take pictures, take your measurements. These things will help you when you feel like you want to give up. Looking back to see how far you've come will be a huge motivator! The picture below is my motivation. It's hard to see how far you've come unless you keep track!

I'd love to hear what you have done or what you struggle with. Comment below or send me a message!